It was still present on the Friday so Saturday was the day. I went down there with Garry Bagnell, John Lees and John Benham leaving at midnight on the Friday night. We arrived at Trewey Common around 07.30 with a gathering crowd of 140.
It was a pleasant wait with Fieldfares, Redwings and Siskins constantly flying over.
There was nothing up until 08.57 when the AMERICAN BITTERN suddenly flew out from it's roost site and landed out of view.
Half hour later it flew up again and showed well circling in front of everyone. It gained considerable height but then started to drop again as 2 Peregrines came in and mobbed the hell out of it. At one stage one of the Falcons clipped it's crown and the bird dropped straight down into some gardens and was not seen the rest of the time we were there. It was a great aerial display with the Bittern turning upside down and stretching out it's legs, twisting, turning and some great parachuting actions.
4 Greenland White-fronted Geese were also present.
After this we quickly visited Hayle Estuary and saw 3 Whooper Swans.
I arrived home at 8pm and collapsed in front of the tele.