Rackham Woods was cold so not much of note, just 10 each of Redpoll and Siskin.
At a couple of West Sussex Commons Woodlarks were in display and a female Crossbill flew over.
The news then came through on the pager about the Slaty-backed Gull at Rainham so i had a mad dash up there, got there in good time, a bit of a job and brisk walk, and then two minutes away from the crowd the bird had apparantly flown to the tip. I waited around and within 20 minutes the SLATY-BACKED GULL was picked up again out on the marsh.
On the way home i popped into Ashdown Forest and in the valley south of Long Car Park the Great Grey Shrike put on a good performance. Also 2 ringtail Hen Harriers and a couple of Redpolls showed well.