We visited Strumpshaw Fen RSPB first and soon got 2 Chinese Water Deer, a first for both of us. Also a Bittern flew over and a couple of Marsh Harriers and a Bearded Tit were seen.
Then in a sheltered spot we found up to 5 Norfolk Hawkers soaking up the warmth from the sun. Also an Emerald and lots of Blue-tailed Damselflies and a handful of Hairy Dragonflies. Unfortunately no Swallowtails, yet!!!
Later on we moved round to a garden which is one of the best sites on the reserve for Swallowtails. As soon as we got there we spotted one, but it soon flew off, then presumably the same one came round again and started to land and some good photos were taken.
Other Dragons seen included a Scarce Chaser, Black-tailed Skimmer, Broad-bodied and Four Spotted Chaser and a couple of Large Red Damselflies as well.
We moved round to the North Norfolk Coast and visited Cley Marshes. The Shorelark put on a good performance and there were stacks of Avocets about.
No sign of the Montagu's Harrier at the favoured site, but a Stone Curlew was at Weeting Heath.