The WHITE-THROATED ROBIN showed straight away, and continued to do so for a further half hour, sometimes showing as close as 12ft. Great views were had of this 3rd for Britain and well worth waiting until the crowds had died down.
To make the most of the north, we went to Wykeham Forest Raptor watchpoint in the hope of seeing Honey Buzzards. As we arrived, a male Honey came into view and was watched for a couple of minutes. The time spent here resulted in 4-5 Honey Buzzards, all showing very closely and also included a wing-clapping display from one of the birds. Also Crossbills and Siskins were seen.
Bempton Cliffs RSPB was our last call of the day. Tree Sparrows were everywhere and the seabird colony was great. Close views of all the regulars as well as a dozen or so Puffins. A great day out.
Arrived home at 11.02pm, absolutely nackered!!! Photos below.