An absolutely freezing cold day spent on the north coast of France, both east and west of Callais. The temperature must have been in the minus all day, and 5 layers was not enough. The main point of interest was meant to be around Dunkirk, but seabirds were limited, so thankfully the last stop of the day proved to be a good plan, and the Foret De Guines was well worth the extra mileage.
Leader - Chris Lowmass
Total Bird Species - 82
Cost of trip - £47 altogether!!
Loom Plage -
Scaup 1 drk.
Dunkirk Channel -
Slavonian Grebe 5,
Black-necked Grebe 1,
Goldeneye 7,
Snow Bunting 2.
Platier D'oye -
Hen HarrierForet de Guines -
Crested Tit 4,
Short-toed Treecreeper 1,
Firecrest 1,
Marsh Tit 2,
Siskin 3.
The 'pictureseque' Dunkirk
Dunkirk Harbour entrance