Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Pett, Scotney & Dungeness area 31/12/14

A good day out with the old man. A lot of time was spent at Pett where unfortunately the Yellowlegs failed to show. Other than this, a few nice bits and bobs were scattered about. 

Pett Levels
Ruff - 6
Marsh Harrier - 3

Scotney GP (Sussex End)
Scaup - 1
Black-necked Grebe - 2

Denge Marsh Road/Dungeness
Cattle Egret - 2
Merlin - 1 chased by a Peregrine
Emu - 1

Walland Marsh
Tundra Bean Geese - 3
Whooper Swan - 1
Bewick's Swan - ca. 50

No pics today I'm afraid, the camera would of froze probably, as did I.