Next stop was Ferring to look for the Long-tailed Duck which had been present all week. This was my first free day and withthe pager news this morning coming though positive, i headed straight there after the 'Gap' and soon had great views on what is a really hard bird to get in Sussex, especially in this plumage. Also a flock of Whimbrel flew east along with 2 Mediterranean Gulls and a Sandwich Tern.
I then went to Coldwaltham Brooks after and had some very close displaying Sedge Warblers. Whilst photographing these little beauties, the distinct reeling sound of a Grasshopper Warbler was picked up in a bramble bush five meters away from me. It soon showed itself, albeit briefly but out in the open and it was a lovely bird. I waited around for a long time but there was no further sign until late evening when a short burst of reeling was heard again. Also seen/heard were 2 Cetti's Warblers, 1 Willow Warbler, 2 Mandarin, 2 Egyptian Geese and a Water Rail.
Sedge Warbler at Coldwaltham Brooks
A short visit to Pulborough Brooks afterwards resulted in 5 Sand Martins and a Nightingale was heard.