Around the golf course a Common Buzzard was being mobbed by Carrion Crows. It was viewed for a good five minutes before departing west at 06.50. This is only my second record for the patch.
Common Buzzard at Seaford Head.
As usual along the cliff edge absolutely nothing was noted, but entering Hope Gap a superb male Common Redstart was perched on a patch of gorse. It was however very shy and soon flew off further into the gap. The only other noteworthy migrant was a Chiffchaff.
Around the coastguard cottages were 4 Chiffchaffs and on the path towards the wood a Stock Dove flew by and landed in a field. Stock Dove is surprisingly a patch tick for me. In the wood were singles of Blackcap and Chiffchaff.
Near the barn were 2 Common Whitethroats including one in full song and looking to set up territory. Also a male Sparrowhawk showed well.
Sparrowhawk at Seaford Head