Arctic Skua - 20
Great Skua - 2
MANX SHEARWATER - 4 (2 in the morning, 2 late afternoon)
Bar-tailed Godwit - 1191 (flocks really started to increase as the afternoon went on)
Whimbrel - 193
Common Sandpiper - 3
Dunlin - 5
Sanderling - 1
Grey Plover - 17
Turnstone - 5
Knot - 214 (most large flocks in late afternoon)
Avocet - 11
Commic Tern - 175
Little Tern - 21
Arctic Tern - 2
Common Tern - 10
Sandwich Tern - 8 (really poor number)
Common Scoter - 78
Garganey - 4 (first picked up on the sea, they circled the groyne giving superb views)
Shoveler - 4
Red-breasted Merganser - 2
Shelduck - 9
Teal - 1
Black-throated Diver - 4 (3 in summer plumage)
Diver sp. - 4
Little Gull - 3
Whinchat - 1 (male in off)
Swift - 1 in off
Gannet - 146 (early morning movement soon slowed down.