Massive movement of birds this morning with probably the highlights being 4 Slavonian Grebes (2 in sum. plume.) and 5 Black-necked Grebes (all sum. plume.) on the sea with a further 2 Slavonian Grebes flying east.
Other highlights included; Velvet Scoters 19 including a flock of 16; Eider 14 (4 drakes); Little Gulls 28; Common Tern 4; Shoveler 55; Great Skua 1 (flew close inshore, yeartick) Arctic Skua 1 DP; Pochard 2 (only my second ever record for Splash Point); Common Scoter 914; Sandwich Tern 236; Whimbrel 2; Teal 58; Brent Geese 77; Pintail 1; Mallard 7; Red-throated Diver 16; Diver sp. 7; Avocet 1; Red-breasted Merganser 11; Canada Geese 2; Tufted Duck 3.