Lesser Florican - August 2023

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Tuesday 24 June 2014

Bernwood Forest, Oxon/Bucks 24/6/14

A slightly disappointing day looking for Black Hairstreak with Ewan. Although I had clear and prolonged views of a fresh looking individual, it never came down to eye level for a photo. At one point it was walking about on a bit of privet only a metre above us, though it soon took flight back up to the treetops.

And that was it, just the one was seen, whereas ten days ago up to 30 were seen. Although this Hairstreak has a short flight period (around 2 weeks), I was still hoping for a couple more sightings. There is always next year I guess.

Black Hairstreak - 1
Purple Emperor - 2 (including 1 chasing off a Common Darter)

Red Kite - 40+ throughout the day