Upon arrival I was surprised as to how good the wind was, and my first scan produced two Pomarine Skuas battling through the strong easterly wind. Over the course of two hours a total of 7 Poms came through in three groups, plus two spectacular flocks (17 & 16) of Manx Shearwaters. Also on the breakwater were a group of seven summer-plumaged Sanderling, two Dunlin and a stunning summer-plumaged Turnstone throughout my duration.
Very little else moving and so I wanted to end the day down the Cuckmere. Only species of note were three summer-plumaged Grey Plovers.
Splash Point 16.20 - 18.20 Wind ESE 3:
Pomarine Skua - 7 l/p (2@ 16.20, 2@ 16.40, 3@ 17.50)
Arctic Skua - 2
Manx Shearwater - 33
Sanderling - 7
Dunlin - 2
Turnstone - 1
Pearl Bordered Fritillary
at Abbot's Wood
Broad-bodied Chaser at Abbot's Wood |
Grey Plovers in the Cuckmere |