Very much a seawatch of two halves. The first half being dominated by Skuas, the second half being dominated by Terns, of which there was a continuous movement of large flocks of the latter in a two hour period around midday. With the onset of heavy rain and reduced visibility the Terns (mostly
Arctic Terns) really got going where large flocks were observed coming into the bay, gaining height, and were watched flying inland. A spectacular sight watching a long string of
Arctic Terns stretching from the Martello fields all the way into the bay. At around 14.15 the weather had passed and the passage had come to a complete halt. Other then this, the standard species seen for the time of year.
Totals between 05.30-14.30 Wind S 6-7:
Great Skua - 24
Arctic Skua - 28
Gannet - 100
Sandwich Tern - 57
Auk sp. - 30
Common Scoter - 76
Manx Shearwater - 5 & 1W
Commic Tern - 3268 (roughly 80% being
Arctic Tern)
Pomarine Skua - 2 l/p (1@ 06.14, 1@ 06.55)
Whimbrel - 5
Tufted Duck - 8
Black-throated Diver - 4
Black Tern - 2
Little Tern - 7
Fulmar - a steady easterly passage but not counted.
2 Black Terns passing Splash Point |
Arctic Skua passing Splash Point |
Gannets passing Splash Point |
Arctic Terns passing Splash Point |