Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Monday 29 November 2010

Cuckmere Haven 29/11/10

I have been working non stop since my last outing hence the lack of posts. However, this morning i was free so decided to walk the east side of the Cuckmere.
The highlight was the female Red-breasted Merganser in the meanders along with hundreds of Wigeon and smaller numbers of Teal.
A Kingfisher was good to see by the saline lagoons, and Lapwings were flying in from all directions.

Red-breasted Merganser, Black-headed Gulls and view looking towards Harry's Bush.

Friday 12 November 2010

Pied-billed Grebe + American Robin 12/11/10

Started my journey at 2.30am today and drove straight up to Greater Manchester for the PIED-BILLED GREBE at Hollingworth Lake CP. I arrived at 7.10am and walked around to the most sheltered bay in the SE corner and thankfully two observers were already looking at it. I watched the Grebe for over an hour and at times it showed very well catching Perch.

Pied-billed Grebe, Hollingworth Lake and surrounding countryside.

News of the AMERICAN ROBIN came through so i made the brave decision to drive yet another 3.5hrs down to Exminster Marshes, Devon. I left the Grebe site at 9.00am and arrived at Exminster at 12.50pm. There had been no sign for a few hours, and with the constant rain falling i thought i had no chance.
However, i went to check out a nearby field, but then noticed a gathering of birders looking at one bush, so i briskly ran back to them and sure enough the Robin was perched right out in the open.
American Robin at Exminster Marshes RSPB.
I arrived home at 8pm. A total of 760 miles was covered totalling 13 hours of driving.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Red-flanked Bluetail pics taken by Martin Casemore

These fantastic pictures were taken by Martin Casemore at Dunge today. Unfortunately i was further down the road when these were taken.

Hope Gap, Seaford Head and Dungeness RSPB 6/11/10

A lovely calm morning today, no birds in the bushes but a few bits flying over the patch. The best of all was a flock of 8 Bramblings that landed in Harry's Bush bringing their total for the morning to 11.
The first Bullfinch for some time flew over along with 7 Siskins, 2 Reed Buntings, ca. 180 Woodpigeons and a Grey Plover in the Cuckmere. A few Goldcrests were also scattered about.

Great Spotted Woodpecker in Hope Gap.

After this i dashed off to Dungeness RSPB for the RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL. It was on view straight away but was distant, however with a bit of patience good views were obtained along the Denge Marsh Road just beyond the entrance to Springfield Bridge. Also present was a Great White Egret and a fem. Marsh Harrier.

Great White Egret and Red-flanked Bluetail at Dungeness RSPB.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Hope Gap, Seaford Head 3/11/10

It's quite obviously November as bird life around the patch has come to an absolute halt. However it was great to see what for sure will be my last Swallow of the year which flew east over Harry's Bush.
Other birds of note were a single Siskin, 2 Goldcrest and 2 Yellowhammers flew over.

As usual this time of year management work starts in Hope Gap. It seems they are doing a better approach then last year by actually making the area look reasonable afterwards, which wasn't the case in previous years. What will gain from this i'm none the wiser, but if a Radde's Warbler is found on one of the managed areas, all will be forgiven.