House Finch at East Prawle
After this i went to Prawle Point and saw 4 male Cirl Buntings. Really smart looking birds and some in song, but again not very good photos.
On the way back to a West Sussex Common i stopped off at Duncton Hill and found 7 Bird's Nest Orchids. Some were no more than a few inches high, but others were very impressive reaching 40cm in height.

At the Common 7 Nightjars were seen, many wing clapping and a constant sound of churring. At one time i checked my phone for the time, and one flew around me for 30 seconds, obviously intrigued by the light. An amazing night. Also 3 roding Woodcocks, a family of Tawny Owls and a Woodlark singing in the distance.
On the way home a Tawny Owl flew out in front of the car.