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Sunday 30 October 2011

Horse Eye Levels & Beachy 30/10/11

An early text from Chris Ball informing me the Glossy Ibis was still present at Horse Eye got me out of my slight hangover and i headed over to meet him.

Meeting up half-way along the track, a large, calling (sparrow-like) Pipit flew over. I immediately called out Tawny Pipit. We both watched it for a further 10-15 seconds before it landed in a sheep field south of the track. It was about 2 times larger than an accompanying Meadow Pipit, pale underparts, long tail and long bodied. I was convinced it was a Tawny, but Chris was doubtful about the call. We failed to relocate the Pipit, and doubt was still in the air, until a couple of hours later when past sound recordings of Tawny Pipit were listened to, and this confirmed that this bird was indeed a TAWNY PIPIT. A Sussex tick for me!!!

The GLOSSY IBIS also performed well eventually, and was last seen being mobbed by a Peregrine, though it landed safely and is still showing this afternoon. Also a Swallow flew over.

I visited Belle Tout Wood after and saw a couple of Firecrests, a very late Willow Warbler, Wheatear and a couple of Blackcaps.

News broke of an Eastern Crowned Warbler in Hertfordshire. I had only got to Lewes when news that the reservoir was permit only, and a key is needed to access. BUGGER!!!

Thursday 27 October 2011

Belle Tout & Birling Gap 27/10/11

Popped over to Beachy after work today, and managed to see a PALLAS'S WARBLER in Belle Tout Wood, and after saw a YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER at the top of the lane at Birling Gap. Also good numbers of Firecrest, probably outnumbering Goldcrests 3:1.

Firecrest at Birling Gap

Yellow-browed Warbler at Birling Gap.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Crowlink 15/10/11

Went to Crowlink this afternoon to see a first for Sussex in the form of an ISABELLINE WHEATEAR. It showed all the time I was there and occasionally showed well. It's diagnostic upright stance was very noticeable, as well as the extreme paleness of the front and mantle, dark alula and in flight the typical tail band of Isabelline was seen.

Seaford Head 15/10/11

A lovely calm, bright morning today with a good overhead passage consisting of 11 Redpolls; 9 Reed Buntings; 49 Siskins; 7 House Sparrows and a single Brambling.

Grounded migrants consisted of singles of Ring Ouzel; Black Redstart and Whinchat; 4 Wheatears; 4 Chiffchaffs and 6 Blackcaps.

Whinchat on South Hill Barn.

Black Redstart in Hope Gap.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

A morning in Suffolk!! 4/10/11

I saw my 2nd UK SANDHILL CRANE this morning at Boyton Marshes RSPB in Suffolk. It showed very well at times and was calling constantly. My 1st was on Orkney over two years ago, howvever the views were brief and distant, so i was very gald with the views today. The bird started off in Aberdeenshire and has made its way south over 8-9 days, so heres hoping it ventures into Sussex.

Also 20+ Crossbills flew over.

Sandhill Crane in Suffolk.

However the lifer for the day were the WILLOW EMERALD DAMSELFLIES along a small channel on the reserve. They didn't come close unfortunately but i managed a record shot.

Willow Emerald Damselfly in Suffolk.

Seaford Head 3/10/11

Another warm morning with a gentle south westerly breeze. Birds were low in numbers and only half the circuit got covered.
A Golden Plover flew over at first light, and other migrants were 22 Chiffchaffs; 7 Blackcaps; 1 Garden Warbler; 5 Wheatears; 4 Goldcrests; 10 Siskins and 5 Wheatears.

Goldfinch in Hope Gap.

Seaford Head 29/9/11

A lovely morning today with a fair range of migrants found. Overhead migrants consisted of 1 Tree Pipit; 80 Siskins; 1 Snipe; 1 Yellow Wagtail; 3 Redpolls and 2 Reed Buntings.

Grounded migrants consisted of 2 Redstarts; 32 Chiffchaffs; 5 Whitethroats; 9 Blackcaps; 1 Reed Warbler; 1 Lesser Whitethroat and 10 Wheatears.

Reed Warbler in Hope Gap.