Lesser Florican - August 2023

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Monday 30 January 2012

Glynde, Blackdown & The Burgh 29/1/12

On a bit of a hangover, me and Dad started off at Glynde where the Great Grey Shrke showed straight away.

Moved onto Blackdown after positive news of the female PARROT CROSSBILL, and after a longish wait a good sized Crossbill flock flew in and the Parrot was picked up straight away. It showed for around 40 mnutes before flying out of sight.

On the way home we visited The Burgh where 2 Red Kites, 2 Short-eared Owls and Grey Partidges were present, and out on Amberey Wildbrooks we met up with Richard and Jon who had found 3 Ruff mixed in with Lapwings.

Horrid pic of the female Parrot Crossbill at Blackdown.

Short-eared Owl at The Burgh.

Monday 23 January 2012

Iceland Gull 22/1/12

2nd W Iceland Gull in Newhaven Harbour.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Pett Levels & Dungeness Area 12/1/12

Pett Levels - Pink-footed Geese 4, White-fronted Geese 12, Bar-headed Goose 1, Barn Owl 1, Marsh Harrier 4, C'ettis Warbler 1

Scotney GP - Marsh Harrier 2

Dungeness RSPB - Great White Egret 2, Long-tailed Duck 1, Smew 1, Bittern 1, Tree Sparrow 10, Chiffchaff 1.

Dungeness Point - CASPIAN GULL 1 1st W, argentatus Herring Gull 3.

with some imagination - Pink-footed Geese and White-fronted Geese.

Smew with Tufted Ducks

a superb 1st winter Caspian Gull.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Calshot, New Forest + Blashford - Hants 11/1/12

Successfully twitched the Spanish Sparrow with Ads Bowley today down in Calshot. Around 50 people present on arrival, it showed straight away in the roadside hedge, flew into a private garden, and reappeared again.
Afterwards we went and saw the Dark-eyed Junco again which showed much better than previous, allowing great scope views.
The rest of the day was spent around the Blashford Lakes and nearby land notching up some good yearticks.

Totals are:

New Forest - DARK-EYED JUNCO 1, Crossbills 5, Dartford Warblers 2, Woodlark 1.

Blashford Lakes - CASPIAN GULL 1 Ad, Yellow-legged Gulls 7, Goosander 4, Brambling 4.

Harbridge Meadows - Whooper Swan 1, Bewick's Swans 3, Mute Swans 206, Egyptian Geese 2.

Spanish Sparrow at Calshot

Dark-eyed Junco at Hawkhill Enclosure

Bewick's Swans at Harbridge

Mutes, Bewick and Whooper Swans at Harbridge

Whooper Swan at Harbridge

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Splash Point, Seaford 10/1/12

My first seawatch of the year and quite a good one. Totals are:

GLAUCOUS GULL 1 1st winter - drifted west along beach in front of me accompanied by Herring Gulls. Watched for 2 minutes before being lost to view. 9.18-9.20am.
Goosander - redhead flew east high up.
Diver sp. - 31 W + 5E - appeared to be mainly Red-throats but most too distant.
Wigeon - 20 W
Common Scoter - 1
Auk sp - 16 W + 18E
Razorbill - 2 W + 1E
Guillemot - 2W + 1E
Brent Goose - 1W
Gannet - 2

Sunday 8 January 2012

Newhaven Tide Mills

Saw 11 Purple Sandpiper on the east pier this morning. Out at sea a couple of Divers flew west and 2 Gannets flew east.

Purple Sandpiper on Newhaven East Pier.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Hants + West Sussex 7/1/12

New Forest
Hawkhill Enclosure - DARK-EYED JUNCO 1, Crossbills 10+
Blashford Lakes - Green Sandpiper
Nr Fritham - GOSHAWK 3, Hawfinch 2, Goosander 1drk,

Haslar Creek, Gosport - Ring-billed Gull 1 adult

Burpham Triangle - Rough-legged Buzzard 1 showed quite well, Short-eared Owl 1, Red-legged Partride 3.

Widewater - Snow Bunting 2 - only seen in flight, I assume going to roost as I arrived very late on.
A couple of other sites were visited throughout the day but nothing exceptional was noted.

The Dark-eyed Junco was a new bird for me, and showed on and off for about an hour I was there.
The Goshawks were amazing. All 3 birds were in display flight and 1 showed well.

Photos will be uploaded in next couple of days.

Dark-eyed Junco site, Hawkhill Enclosure.

Fieldfare at Goshawk site

Ring-billed Gull at Haslar Creek

Brent Goose at Haslar Creek

Sunday 1 January 2012

Norfolk 1/12/12

Buckenham Marshes RSPB - Taiga Been Geese - 100+, Pink-footed Geese - 200+, Barnacle Geese 40+, Marsh Harrier 1, Ruff 20+, Chinese Water Deer 2, Stoat 1.

Cley NWT - WESTERN SANDPIPER 1 juv, Stoat 1.

Titchwell RSPB - COUE'S ARCTIC REDPOLL 1, Mealy Redpoll 2, Spotted Redshank 4, Yellow-legged Gull 1, Water Rail 1.

Fakenham - Grey Partridge 10.

Western Sandpiper at Cley NWT

Pink-footed Geese at Holkham Gap.