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Thursday 30 June 2011

Frog Firle 30/6/11

female White-letter Hairstreak

male Ruddy Darter

Emerald Damselflies

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Southern Emerald Damselflies 29/6/11

Southern Emerald Damselfly at Cliffe Pools RSPB

Immature male Ruddy Darters at Cliffe Pools RSPB

Fiery Clearwing - Exceptionally rare moth on Sheppey today.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Scotland Trip 21st-24th June 2011

I picked up Jake at 7.30pm on Tuesday evening and headed to Scotland for the hope of seeing the American White-winged Scoter. We arrived on site at 8.30am in heavy rain and strong winds.

After an hour we located the AMERICAN WHITE-WINGED SCOTER mixed in with Eider and 5 Common Scoter. It was very close inshore allowing all the id. features to be easily seen. Also present were 2 drk. SURF SCOTERS, 20+ Velvet Scoter, 2 Arctic Skua and 8 Arctic Tern flew north.

Me and Jake successfully twitching the White-winged Scoter-dutch style!!

Ythan Estuary - no sign of the drk. King Eider, but plenty of Grey and Common Seals and 16 NORTHERN MARSH ORCHIDS.

The next couple of days were spent in the Cairngorm mountains.

Along the river at Balmoral were 2 PARROT CROSSBILLS, 6 Common Crossbills, Dipper and a Tree Pipit.

On the way to Glenshee a GOLDEN EAGLE was spotted, along with Wheatears and Red Deer.

On Glenshee we counted 24 PTARMIGAN (10 JUVS) including a group of 12 adults. Also 8 Red Grouse, 8 MOUNTAIN HARE and 30+ Frog Orchids.

On the way back from Glenshee a Spotted Flycatcher was at Gellaig Hill and a male Ring Ouzel flew across the road at Glen Gairn.

At first light the following morning a BLACK GROUSE was seen on Tulloch Moor along with a family of Whinchats, 6 Goldeneye and 7 Roe Deer,

At Loch Garten RSPB were 7 Red Squirrels, 7 SCOTTISH CROSSBILLS, 3 CRESTED TITS, Osprey and a Bank Vole.

The day was spent around the Abernethy complex. A total of 21 NORTHERN DAMSELFLIES were found along with 3 Small Pearl Bordered Fritillaries and 2 Common Lizards.

Male and female Northern Damselfly.

This Wood Warbler was found near Tulloch

Whilst resting in our B&B in Nethy Bridge, a Common Rosefinch had just been found near the village hall in our village. We rushed round there and soon heard the lovely song of the male COMMON ROSEFINCH.

The last day was spent in the same area. On a small open area a scattering of 200+ Lesser Butterfly Orchids and 15+ Heath Fragrant Orchids were present.

Yet more Small-pearl Bordered Fritillaries were spotted around several pools in Abernethy, along with more Northen Damselflies.

We popped into Avielochan before we made the long journey south and found a lovely family of Slavonian Grebes.
Whilst watching these we got told a site for Northern Emerald Dragonfly, a species much wanted on this trip.

We arrived deep in Inshriach Forest and after about 2 hours a single NORTHEN EMERALD was spotted. There were 2 other possible sightings but views were poor, but probably was this species. Other Dragons included Four Spotted Chasers, Common Blue Damselflies and Large Red Damselflies. Also 4 SCOTTISH CROSSBILLS and 9 Common Crossbills were seen in seperate flocks.

Inshriach Forest with Carn Ban More in the backround.

The northern end of Loch Insh

A total of 1530 miles driven by myself, we arrived home at 4am Saturday morning. A fantastic trip with my good mate Jake.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Sheppey 15/6/11

female DAINTY DAMSELFLY - note the long pale pterostigma; no spine on the 8th abdominal segment; faint spur on side of thorax; rocket shapes on abdominal segments with a faint tip; narrow antehumeral stripes compared to female Com. Blue and the pale legs. Not easy to see in the photo, but size compared to that of Common Blue is smaller with a different flight action also noted.

Blue-tailed Damselfly form rufescens

Emerald Damselfly.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Brilliant Emerald 11/6/11

This Brlliant Emerald performed well on Ashdown Forest today along a stream. Also a couple of Emperors, Redstarts, Tree Pipits and Heath Spotted Orchirds.

Friday 10 June 2011

White-throated Robin Twitch 9/6/11

Left my house at 05.05am and picked up Jack Bujok, Dan & Mike Booker to hopefully nail the Cleveland White-throated Robin. The roads were clear and we soon got up there arriving at Hartlepool Headland at 10.57am.

The WHITE-THROATED ROBIN showed straight away, and continued to do so for a further half hour, sometimes showing as close as 12ft. Great views were had of this 3rd for Britain and well worth waiting until the crowds had died down.

To make the most of the north, we went to Wykeham Forest Raptor watchpoint in the hope of seeing Honey Buzzards. As we arrived, a male Honey came into view and was watched for a couple of minutes. The time spent here resulted in 4-5 Honey Buzzards, all showing very closely and also included a wing-clapping display from one of the birds. Also Crossbills and Siskins were seen.

Bempton Cliffs RSPB was our last call of the day. Tree Sparrows were everywhere and the seabird colony was great. Close views of all the regulars as well as a dozen or so Puffins. A great day out.

Arrived home at 11.02pm, absolutely nackered!!! Photos below.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Eastbourne Downs & Arlington 7/6/11

Didn't bother twitching the White-throated Robin today due to over tiredness. Instead i stayed local.

On the Eastbourne Downs a minimum of 20 Frog Orchids were counted and a possible Rannoch Looper moth was seen.
Visited a site near Arlington after and got a good range of Damselflies.

Red-eyed Damselfly

Immature male Blue-tailed Damselfly


Male and female White-legged Damselfly

Only 1 Southern Marsh Orchid this year, and lots of hybrids.

Brampton Woods, Cambs 6/6/11


A lively Mole and a Common Blue Damselfly.