Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Friday 16 February 2024

Recent Highlights

It's been, once again, a hectic start to the year with the usual January (pointless) panic to scrounge a decent number of species on the year list before the enthusiasm dwindles, plus work has been more busy than ever, although recent trips to Colombia and Iceland have been most welcome to keep me sane. 

On Jan 1st, along with Tim Squire, I recorded 117 species seen/heard, but since then it's been limited birding. The Northern Waterthrush in Essex was a brilliant UK tick and one that I didn't go for in 2011, so a superb grip back. 

In January, I co-led (alongside a local) the Santa Marta Endemics tour where we found most of the endemics, although today I've learnt a new species of antpitta has been discovered... doh! I then had a few days back home before leading an Iceland tour, which actually turned out to be more enjoyable than Colombia! 

Anyway, a few pics to showcase the year so far.

Santa Marta Antpitta

Orinoco Saltator

Rusty-breasted Antpitta

Santa Marta Screech Owl

Vermillion Cardinal

Santa Marta Woodstar

Humpback Whales

Barrow's Goldeneye - my only new bird in Iceland
