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Sunday 30 May 2010

Ashdown Forest and Park Corner Heath 30/5/2010

Day started on Ashdown Forest where a family of Dartford Warblers performed well. So good to see these birds after what has been a dreadful winter for them. Also in the same area were 3 Redstarts, 2 Tree Pipits, 2 families of Stonechats and a Woodlark was singing.

At Park Corner Heaths the Moth highlights were 5+ Great Prominents, Swallow Prominent, Buff Tip, Cream Spot Tigers and a Poplar Hawk. Only a single Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary was seen. Birds noted included a flyover Hobby and a pair of Garden Warblers.

Dartford Warbler and Tree Pipit on Ashdown Forest.

Red-footed Falcon 29/5/10

A superb 1st summer male Red-footed Falcon seen yesterday in Hertfordshire at Wilstone Reservoir. Although generally distant good scope and flight views were obtained.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Lady Orchid and Badgers 27/5/10

A Lady Orchid at an undisclosed coastal location and 1 of 11 Badgers seen at another undisclosed location, both in Sussex. Also plenty of Corn Buntings, 4 Grey Partridge and a Little Owl at the latter site.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Friston Forest 25/5/10

A walk along the ridge linking Charleston Bottom and Friston Forest yielded around 800 White Helleborines with 10% in flower and 50+ Broad-leaved Helleborine with only the leaves and lower part of the stem visible. Also a Green Hairstreak and 3 Hairy Dragonflies were seen.

At Charleston Reedbed a Garden Warbler and 6 Reed Warblers were singing away.

White Helleborine and Green Hairstreak at Friston Forest

Dukes and Pulborough 24/5/10

Visited Heyshott Down this afternoon after work to try for the Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries. As i had limited time only a single was pit was looked at but still managed to find 5 Duke of Burgs along with pristine Small Heaths and Common Blues. Also in abundance were Orange Tips, Dingy Skippers and singles of Green Hairstreak and Grizzled Skipper were also seen.

On the bird front a Tree Pipit was displaying and a Firecrest was singing.

Duke of Burgundy Fritillary - Heyshott Down

Later on at Pulborough Brooks there were no signs of any Temminck's Stints or a Purple Heron. The only birds of note were 2 Little Ringed Plovers and singles of Garden Warbler and Nightingale.
At dusk i went to Wiggonholt Common and at 21.20 the first of 3 Nightjars started churring. They were hard to get on to but as i was leaving one flew straight over our heads.

Friday 21 May 2010

POMS at last 21/5/10

Big thanks goes to the Selsey Bill for putting out the news of 4 Pomarine Skuas flying east at 08.10.
Dreading the thought that i wasn't go to see any this year, this really was my last chance.

Anyway at 10.02 they finally arrived at Splash Point and they stayed in the bay up to when i left at 11.45. They showed well at times often chasing the local Kittiwakes putting on a superb display. They comprised of 3 pale morph and 1 dark morph. One of the light morphs had a particularly long 'spoon' which was viewable at a long range.

Also seen were 2 Black and 2 Little Terns amongst many migrating Arctic Terns, summer plum. Grey Plover, Greenshank and a few flocks of Common Scoter.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Hope Gap, Seaford Head 20/5/10

Seaford Head was covered in mist this morning which didn't clear until mid-morning. The only new arrival was a Wheatear.

22 Whitethroats, Lesser Whitethroat, 2 House Martins and 4 Stock Dove were also noted and a Pied Wagtail nest was found.

Dunnock at Seaford Head - proves how uninteresting it was this morning.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Cairngorm and Mull 8/5/10-16/5/10

Here are some my pics from Scotland, there not great as most were digiscoped.


Red-throated Diver




Golden Eagle

Hope Gap, Seaford Head 19/5/10

Generally quiet around the patch this morning with no new arrivals seen at all. It's always this time of year that the scarcities turn up, so i just have to keep trying.

Anyway birds noted were 20 Whitethroats and singles of Blackcap and Lesser Whitethroat.

Woodpigeon at Hope Gap

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Marsh Harrier 18/5/10

This morning over my house a male Marsh Harrier drifted SE around 10.45. Also 2 Peregrines flew over.
Obviously now back from Scotland with the highlights being all four Grouse species, Scottish Crossbills, Crested Tits, Dipper, Golden and White-tailed Eagles, Corncrakes, Black Guillemots, Puffins, summer plumaged Great Northern Divers, Dotterel, Mountain Hares, Otters and a Pine Marten, and lots lots more.
If anyone would like a copy of a trip report please email me.
Photos will be posted shortly.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Lesvos Report

If anyone would like a copy of my Lesvos trip report please email me today to get a copy by this evening because i'm in cairngorm for a week. My email is m_eade@yahoo.co.uk.

Unfortunately been working everyday this week so there hasn't been anything to report. My next posting will be sometime next weekend.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Rye Harbour & Dungeness RSPB 5/5/10

A very early start at Rye Harbour this morning produced no Red-rumped Swallows, but there were still plenty of Hirundines including my first House Martins this year!! However 2 Grasshopper Warblers showed well reeling away and a Cuckoo showed well on the telegraph wires. On the scrapes near Harbour Farm a summer-plumaged Bar-tailed Godwit, Avocets and 2 Grey Partridge showed.

At Dungeness RSPB reserve the Purple Heron performed nicely on Denge Marsh viewable from the Denge Marsh Road. On the main reserve a Tree Sparrow was around the feeders.

Sunday 2 May 2010

More Lesvos 22nd-29th April 2010

More photos from my Lesvos trip. I'm halfway through the trip report so the people who have asked for one it will be ready by tomorrow i hope.

Lesser Grey Shrike
Golden Oriole

'Black-headed' Yellow Wagtail

Subalpine Warbler

Eastern Olivaceous Warbler

Short-toed Lark

Squacco Heron

Ruppell's Warbler


Masked Shrike