Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Tuesday 25 May 2010

Dukes and Pulborough 24/5/10

Visited Heyshott Down this afternoon after work to try for the Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries. As i had limited time only a single was pit was looked at but still managed to find 5 Duke of Burgs along with pristine Small Heaths and Common Blues. Also in abundance were Orange Tips, Dingy Skippers and singles of Green Hairstreak and Grizzled Skipper were also seen.

On the bird front a Tree Pipit was displaying and a Firecrest was singing.

Duke of Burgundy Fritillary - Heyshott Down

Later on at Pulborough Brooks there were no signs of any Temminck's Stints or a Purple Heron. The only birds of note were 2 Little Ringed Plovers and singles of Garden Warbler and Nightingale.
At dusk i went to Wiggonholt Common and at 21.20 the first of 3 Nightjars started churring. They were hard to get on to but as i was leaving one flew straight over our heads.