Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Monday 30 April 2012

Splash Point 30/4/12

Seawatched for most of the day. Times were 5.00-8.15, 9.05-1.05 then 3.05-6.35. A good number of Poms were seen, but movement was quite slow throughout the day. Totals are as follows:
-Pomarine Skua - 18, Arctic Skua - 25, Great Skua - 1
-Little Tern - 4, Arctic Tern - 8, Commic Tern - 199, Sandwich Tern - 53
-Red-throated Diver - 3, Black-throated Diver - 11, Diver sp. - 9
-Sanderling - 23, Dunlin - 4, Bar-tailed Godwit - 91, Whimbrel - 19, Grey Plover - 3, Redshank - 2, Knot - 10
-Little Gull - 2
-Eider - 2 west, Common Scoter - 129, Gadwall - 2, Red-breasted Merganser - 5
-Mediterranean Gull - 1
-Manx Shearwater - 2
-Shag - 1
-Harbour Porpoise - 1 offshore for most of the day.

During the first two sessions I twitched the nearby Great White Egret on Lewes Brooks as I needed it for Sussex. It was a fine bird in summer plumage showing off it red legs.

Norway 23/4/12

-Frosta Fjordbuer
Eider, Velvet Scoters and Hooded Crows on arrival at lodge.

-On route to Tromsdalim
Arctic Hare 1

Hazel Grouse 1
Waxwing 1
Common Cranes 2
Black Grouse 2 heard lekking
Golden Eagle 1
Black Woodpecker 1

-On route to Asenfjellet
Rough-legged Buzzard 1
White-tailed Eagle 1

Grey-headed Woodpecker 2
Rough-legged Buzzard 3

-Nr Frosta Fjordbuer
Long-eared Owl

Grey-headed Woodpecker, Rough-legged Buzzard and Common Crane

Norway 24/4/12

-Frosta FjordbuerOtter 1

Black Grouse 11 males lekking
Crested Tit 1
Rough-legged Buzzard 2
Crossbill 3

-Trondheim Fjord
Long-tailed Duck 71
Velvet Scoter 50+
Harbour Porpoise 3

Slavonian Grebes displaying
Whooper Swan 2
White-fronted Geese 2
Barnacle Goose 1
Goosander (many drakes showing well)

Black Grouse 1 male

Willow Tit, Long-tailed Ducks and Crested Tit

Norway 25/4/12

-Sandvika Border/SwedenWillow Grouse

-Border - Bodajoedet
Capercaillie 1 fem
Great Grey Shrike 1
Twite 22
Merlin 2
Brambling 2
Common Redpoll 1

Capercaillie 1 fem
Dipper 1

Capercaillie 1 fem
Black Grouse 3
Common Redpoll 2

-Staa Golf Course
Snow Bunting 1
Osprey 1

-Frosta Fjordbuer
Velvet Scoter 22

Snow Bunting & female and male Black Grouse

Norway 26/4/12

-Asenfjellet Road
Woodcock 1,
Black Grouse 2 (incl. 1 lekking)
Common Redpoll 4

-Tautra Island
White-billed Diver 1 (adult showed well)
Black Guillemot 3
Black & Red-throated Divers (many all in s/p)
Twite 22
Slavonian Grebe (all in s/p)
Tree Sparrow 2

A visit to Torsbustarden Forest after produced nothing of note.

Black-throated and White Billed Diver at Tautra Island

Norway 27/4/12

-Asenfjellet Road
Goshawk 1
Displaying Snipe
Crossbill 4
Golden Eagle 1 adult
Crested Tit 1
Grey-headed Woodpecker 1

Norway/Sweden 28/4/12

-Swedish Border
Willow Grouse - 2
Merlin, 2 Brambling, many Bullfinches, and a Willow Tit.
-Bostanjoedet, Sweden
Dipper, 3 Red-throated Divers
-Tannforsen, Sweden
pair of Black Grouse, 4 fem. Capercaillie
-Spaa Golf Course
1 Three-toed Woodpecker showed very briefly
-Norwegian Side of Border
2 Nuthatches (race europaea), Willow Tits, Red Squirrel

Common Cranes, Capercaillies + europaea Nuthatch

Saturday 21 April 2012

Fishbourne & Sidlesham 21/4/12

Saw the possible Iberian Chiffchaff this afternoon after work.
Afterwards I went to Sidlesham Ferry and saw a lovely pair of Little Ringed Plovers close to the road.

Im off to Norway tomorrow, will be back on the 29th, hopefully with some Owl pictures!!

Friday 20 April 2012

Splash Point, Seaford 20/4/12

4.45pm-6.15pm Wind W 4

Seawatched with Derek Barber and recorded the following;

BALEARIC S'WATER - 1 (flew east about quarter to half distance at 17.02)
Great Skua - 4+
Arctic Skua - 1+
Red-throated Divers - 1
Sandwich Terns - 10+

Thursday 19 April 2012

Abbot's Wood 19/4/12

A late morning walk in Abbot's Wood produced 4 Nightingales (including 1 showing well) and a few Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers.

Nightingale at Abbot's Wood
Chiffchaff at Abbot's Wood

Wednesday 18 April 2012

100+ Bonxies!!!!! 18/4/12

A further seawatch with Mick Davis from 9.15-12.00 produced a huge amount of Bonxies with another 85 moving east totalling 110 for the whole morning.Most Skuas were passing very close inshore.

Totals for the early stint are further down the page. Totals for the mid-morning stint are:

Great Skua - 85
Arctic Skua - 20 (including half pale phase)
Commic Tern - 821
Arctic Tern - 12
Sandwich Tern - 20
Black-throated Diver - 3
Red-throated Diver - 6
Little Gull - 30
Common Scoter - 23
Brent Geese - 31
Whimbrel - 1

pale phase Arctic Skua past Splash Point
Great Skua past Splash Point.

Splash Point 18/4/12

Met Jake down in the shelter just after 6am in a strong southerly wind with constant rain much later on.

Totals 6am-8.15am:

Manx Shearwater - 4E + 3W
Great Skua - 25 (including a flock of 5)
Arctic Skua - 9
Commic Tern - 13
Common Tern - 2
Sandwich Tern - 1
Diver sp. - 1
Common Scoter - 38
Whimbrel - 4
Bar-tailed Godwit - 1
Brent Geese - 3

Friday 13 April 2012

Seaford Head 13/4/12

Another bright but slightly foggy morning today. However a new bunch of Willow Warblers had arrived and a few bits were moving overhead.

Totals are:
Yellow Wagtail - 3 - flying north
Willow Warbler - 26
Chiffchaff - 2
Blackcap - 3
Whitethroat - 3 (all males on territory)
Wheatear - 1
Swallow -1

Willow Warbler in Hope Gap
Sparrowhawk in Hope Gap.
Whitethroat in the scrubby area east of Hope Gap

Thursday 12 April 2012

Seaford Head & Dorset 12/4/12

A good day out and about with the dog (Taz). Started off at Seaford Head where there was an obvious fall of migrants. Totals are as follows:

Willow Warbler - 33
Whitethroat - 1
Blackcap - 9
Wheatear - 3
Magpie - 20+ (birds were seen high up moving east)

After this we picked up Jake and headed down to Dorset fo the Black-winged Stilt. We made good time and soon arrived on site (Abbotsbury Swannery) and soon found the BLACK-WINGED STILT on the small flood just east of the Swannery. It was always distant but good scope views were had and it was also seen in flight.

Next up was Portland where a large number of Willow Warblers were moving as were plenty of Swallows. Other bits included 2 male Redstarts, 6 Wheatears and hundreds of Guillemots and 10+ Shags were out at sea.

Taz enjoying Seaford Head
My first Whitethroat on the patch this year.
Willow Warbler in Harry's Bush
distant Black-winged Stilt in Dorset

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Local stuff 11/4/12

Finally saw my first Swallows of the year today. A total of 12 were seen across 3 sites: Peacehaven, Arlington Reservoir and Lewes Brooks.

At Arlington Reservoir were a Whitethroat and a House Martin, both yearticks taking the tally to 205.

On Lewes Brooks the only birds of note were 2 Wheatears.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Splash Point 10/4/12

Highlights this morning from 6.10-8.00 in a WSW force 3.

Great Skua - 12 (including 6 in two minutes)
Arctic Skua - 2 DP
Common Tern - 1
Sandwich Tern - 19
Common Scoter - 36
Gannet - 35
Shoveler - 3
Diver sp. - 2
Mediterranean Gull - 1

UK Yearlist now up to 202

Friday 6 April 2012

Seaford Head 6/4/12

Despite covering the whole circuit this morning not a single migrant was noted. Very poor despite the time of year.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Splash Point, Seaford 5/4/12

A very cold and moderate northerly breeze this morning with mist offshore.


Arctic Skua - 2 DP @7.09
Diver sp - 1
Teal - 3
Shoveler - 2
Common Scoter - 28
Mediterranean Gull - 2 + 1W
Sandwich Tern - 4
Brent Geese - 57
Guillemot - 4

A quick walk up on Seaford Head after produced nothing, however yesterday the male Ring Ouzel was still by Harry's Bush.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Seaford Head 3/4/12

Finally after my run of earlies at work, a fine morning sent me back onto the patch. Being very cold and slightly murky didn't feel me with much excitement, but when the area warmed up, birds came thick and fast.

Best of all were 2 stunning male Ring Ouzels by the wood. They seemed very settled, but I couldn't get close enough for a decent picture. Other totals consisted off:

Wheatear - 22
Willow Warbler - 7
Chiffchaff - 5
Blackcap - 3
Little Owl - 1
Treecreeper - 1

2 Peregrines at Seaford Head

Wheatear along the cliff edge
Willow Warbler by the wood
male Ring Ouzel by the wood.

Monday 2 April 2012

Somerset 1/4/12

I thought I would test drive my new car down in Somerset yesterday, and so I did. I arrived at Shapwick Heath at 7.50am and started walking west to the drained lagoon. Along this path my first Willow Warbler of the year was in song, and in the distance, 'booming' Bitterns were heard.

Arriving at the lagoon, assembled birders were already watching the 2 LONG-BILLED DOWITCHERS. They were distant at first, but they flew closer allowing good scope views. Also on this lagoon were a Great White Egret, Bittern, s/p Ruff and a Sedge Warbler. A Marsh Harrier also flew over.

Having cleared up here I went straight onto Chew Valley Lake to Herriot's Pool where thankfully the SPOTTED SANDPIPER was present along with a Green Sandpiper. A Sand Martin also flew over.

A very successful trip west, so I headed back into Sussex and visited Weir Wood Reservoir and Lewes Brooks but unfortunately no new birds could be found. UK yearlist now up to 198.

'distant' Long-billed Dowitchers at Shapwick Heath.
Willow Warbler at Shapwick Heath