Anothet quiet start that prolonged into the early afternoon, before it all went a bit 'pommy' in the afternoon. By mid-afternoon we were forced up onto the cliff unless we wanted to get high on weed or be at risk of turning into a gangster due to some youths, although they were interested in what we were up to and considerate to where they were standing. Retreating to the cliffs just before the SE wind picked up a tiny notch was wise as from then on a steady trickle of
Pomarine Skuas commenced (most high up), and for Josh and myself who had been in situ for 15+ hours by the end of the day, this was very rewarding. The highlight by far were a flock of 12 Poms that sat on the sea for some time, and also a very close single and group of three Poms towards the end. At long last some Pom passage and great to share it with once again great company.
Totals between 5am-8.15pm W NE-SE F1:
Whimbrel - 83
Bar-tailed Godwit - 269
Gannet - 28
Great Skua - 1
Commic Tern - 1195
Common Sandpiper - 3
Common Scoter - 212
Pomarine Skua - 34
Arctic Skua - 23
Shoveler - 4
Shelduck - 8
Sandwich Tern - 74
Sanderling - 1
Mediterranean Gull - 4
Knot - 50
Little Egret - 1 in
Black-throated Diver - 2
Black Tern - 2
Little Tern - 8
Dunlin - 1
Grey Plover - 4
Red-throated Diver - 2
Little Gull - 2 adults
Pom Times:
2 l/p @ 06.00
1 l/p @ 13.20
1 l/p @ 15.59
2 @ 16.52
12 l/p @ 16.52 after settling on the sea for twenty minutes
5 @ 17.20
5 @ 18.11
2 l/p @ 18.45
1 l/p @ 19.18
3 l/p @ 19.58
A distant flock of Pomarine Skuas |