1hr south of Yabello
Streseman's Bush Crow - 10+
D'Arnaud's Barbet - 2
Sulpher-breasted Bush Shrike - 1
Banded Parisoma - 1
White-tailed Swallow - 5
Chestnut Sparrow - 10
Northern Masked Weaver - 1
Vitelline Masked Weaver - 1
Yellow-fronted Canary - 2
White-browed Scrub-Robin - 1
Red-fronted Tinkerbird - 2
Golden-breasted Starling - 6
Motel Yabello
Orange-bellied Parrot - 4
Beautiful Sunbird - 2
Scarlet-chested Sunbird - 2
Plains sth of Yabello + Night Drive
White-bellied Canary - 3
Coqui Francolin - 1 + 2h
Purple Grenadier - 2
Somali Fiscal - 4
Streseman's Bush Crow - 6
Greyish Eagle Owl - 1
South African Bush Baby - 1
Streseman's Bush Crow - ENDEMIC
White-tailed Swallow - ENDEMIC
Golden-breasted Starling