Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Thursday, 10 March 2016

Cuckmere Haven 10/3/16

A morning with Josh down the patch wasn't too bad. Very few Gulls today which was disappointing however there was some compensation, but I'm afraid mostly from the Pipit family. A newly arrived female type Black Redstart was encouraging.

Totals are:

Scandinavian Rock Pipit - 8 (minimum number of birds, others warranted better views)
Black Redstart - 1 fem. type
Greenshank - 1
Water Rail - 1
Great Crested Grebe - 1

Most of the Pipits were seen from the east bank around the 'saltmarsh' just south of the pub, and at a couple of stretches along the river itself. As the fields are very saturated coinciding with a very high tide, some birds were easy to see, while others remained flighty and un-identifiable, which may be just as well, and no doubt saved a headache. There were a couple of Pipits that weren't photographed, and two of these were pinky, whilst the others showed off their subtle features relatively well to clinch.

 an obvious individual that is somewhat reminiscent of a Water Pipit, though the supercilium is very weak but still evident; heavy, blotchy spots on the breast and spotting on flanks are 'messy', whilst the tertials edges are olive toned.

 another obvious bird with lovely pink underparts, though missing its wingbars!!
 not entirely sure on this bird but the tail is in heavy moult, and the longest tertial appears fresh, two semi-obvious wingbars and a hint of a supercilium, so no reason to say it isn't one other than that it looks just like a petrosus Rock Pipit!!

 a bog standard bird showing white outer tail feathers, two clear wingbars, a depleting malar stripe, pale legs, obvious supercilium, yellow/orange base to lower mandible, fresh looking tertials and faint streaking on the mantle.
 and yet another obvious bird on the left, whilst the bird on the right isn't as obvious, showing two clear white wingbars, white throat and a supercilium and a slight pink suffusion to the upper breast, at least it was through the scrape.
 Black Redstart by the scrape
Great Crested Grebe on the river - a scarce bird in the valley itself