Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Sunday, 24 March 2019

Seaford Head & Upper Cuckmere 24/3/19

On standby this morning but I ignored this and made the most of the fine (albeit cold) weather. Either due to the clear conditions, or the cold front lingering on the northern French coast, there were very few migrants about, with only four Wheatears and two Chiffchaffs being present on the headland.

I then walked from Exceat to Charleston Reedbed checking the floods. The Black-tailed Godwits were now reduced to six, but still included the colour-ringed bird which I am assuming was ringed in Norfolk. The Glossy Ibis was also a surprise after not being seen for a few days. Sadly no Garganey or Dowitchers present, but with the Cuckmere looking at its very best, the next few weeks could be fairly productive.
Wheatear on the golf course
Rook joining the many pairs
in Harry's Bush

Kittiwakes at Splash Point