Lesser Florican - August 2023

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Saturday 28 December 2013

Parrots at Old Lodge 28/12/13

On Boxing Day, DC & JFC found a group of 9 Parrot Crossbills on Old Lodge, Ashdown Forest, so today I set about trying to re-locate them. I arrived around 10.30, and it wasn't until 1.45 the group was found alongside the concrete access road, NW of the main car park. The group showed well for 20 minutes before flying out of view heading WNW.

In the 3 hours before this a large group of Common Crossbills were carefully scanned, and it wasn't until a group of 3 birds flew in that a bird stood out from the others. These 3 birds were extremely elusive and only 1 was confidently identified. It was a brute with a good looking bill and other positive features.

So, in theory there are more than likely 10 Parrots as the group of 9 are not associating with the other groups of Commons. A fantastic sight seeing some good looking Parrots for a change.

Although only males were photographed, superb looking female was seen through the scope, and was very obvious.

Nice to see so many Sussex birders today..........a whole 5 people!!!

                                                                              Bird no. 1

                                                                             Bird no. 2

Bird no. 3