Totals for the morning are:
Western Bonelli's Warbler - 5
Spotless Starling - 100+
Serin - 25
Tree Sparrow - 7
Melodious Warbler - 3
Short-toed Treecreeper - 2
Pied Flycatcher - 1 male
Zitting Cisticola - 2
Whinchat - 6
Wheatear - 1
Crested Lark - 4
Black Redstart - 3
European Bee-Eater - 11 (3 flocks)
Garden Warbler - 1
Red-rumped Swallow - 3
Common Redstart - 1
Black Kite - 4
Green-striped White - 5
Clouded Yellow sp. - 1
two European Bee-Eaters
either a Green-striped White or some form of Dappled White.....
a singing Zitting Cisticola
the row of trees in front of the reddish building held a singing Western Bonelli's Warbler
Mt. Etna viewed from Catania Airport