Lesser Florican - August 2023

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Saturday 23 November 2019

Splash Point & Cuckmere Haven 23/11/19

I started the day down Splash Point where there wasn't a great deal moving. The following were seen between 07.45-08.30:

Shag - 2 offshore then flew west
Gannet - 66 E
Red-throated Diver - 2 E
Auk sp. - 20 E

I then moved into the Cuckmere and came across a whole host of good birds. The Gull flock wasn't particularly huge today, but did include good numbers of both Caspian Gulls and Yellow-legged Gulls. I spent some time watching these before heading off along the river where I came across a Spotted Redshank feeding in one of the ditches; this being a mega bird for the area as it's only my second record. I wanted to continue my luck for the day and headed off for the meanders as Neil had kindly let me know of a Goldeneye there. I happily saw the Goldeneye which was my last 'sawbill' to see in the Cuckmere. On the saturated fields were many Rock Pipits with a minority looking good for littoralis, whilst another surprise came in the form of a Water Pipit feeding with them.

A total of five Caspian Gulls were found today, although it was more than likely six, but a brief adult just didn't get seen well before the entire flock took flight. At one time I could see three adults altogether with one of them performing very well for the duration. A total of eight Yellow-legged Gulls were present with all but one being adults.

spot the Caspian Gull

all of the same adult Caspian Gull

3w & ad Caspian Gull

Yellow-legged Gull (open-wing shot)
and ad Caspian Gull (far right)

3w Caspian Gull
ad Yellow-legged Gull

Spotted Redshank at Lower Cuckmere

Water Pipit at Cuckmere Haven

1w Goldeneye at Cuckmere Haven