Spotted Flycatcher - 7
Firecrest - 1 singing male still
Spoonbill - 1 still on scrape (green ring on right leg above knee coded V094......details sent to BTO
The mega alert then sounded and after much thought and waiting down Splash Point hoping for more consistent and positive news, myself, John King, Richard Fairbank and Mick Davis eventually left for Holkham Pines in North Norfolk for a Citril Finch.
We made very good time (3hr 45mins to Holkham Pines) and after a sweltering half hour walk, we were watching this 2nd for Britain feeding on the ground and flying around calling for prolonged periods. Scope views were superb although the bird was constantly obscured.
Afterwards a short detour to nearby Choseley Drying Barns where a large 'trip' of 24 Dotterel were seen distantly, hence I only managed to see 19 of them.