Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Saturday, 21 January 2017

East Sussex 21/1/17

Another brilliant day out in the east of the county. The main target for the morning was to see the Lapland Buntings behind Scotney GP, and these were found with ease despite them being very mobile......at least they were easy to pick up with their distinctive flight call. All the Geese were still present which as always were a treat to see. I quickly stopped at Jury's Gap and found two Velvet Scoters offshore and then went to see the Red-necked Grebe again. A long walk around Rye produced just a Bittern of note, a quick stop at Pett produced yet more Geese, and much closer to home at Newhaven Harbour a superb Merlin flew through.

Yesterday I arrived at Burton Mill Pond before first light, and I'm pleased I did as at 7.02 the Bittern flew out of its roost. This did however only provide me my worst views ever of a Bittern as only a brown smudge flying around was the only feature I managed. Later on I eventually caught up with the long-staying Great White Egret.

Highlights for today are:

Lapland Bunting - 2 Scotney (back pits)
Tree Sparrow - 3
Tundra Bean Geese - 4
Pink-footed Geese - 4
Velvet Scoter - 2 off Jury's Gap
Red-necked Grebe - 1 at Camber
Goldeneye - 1 drk on Long Pit
Bittern - 1 Castle Water
Bearded Tit - 5 Pett Levels
Pink-footed Goose - 1
White-fronted Geese - ca. 20
Merlin - 1

 Lapland Bunting at Scotney GP
 Bittern at Castle Water
distant Great White Egret at Arundel WWT - 20/1/17