Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Thursday, 27 April 2017

Arlington Reservoir 27/4/17

After a slow walk around Seaford Head I stopped on the way home in Sainsbury's for shopping. At aisle 2 I had an alert come through of a Red-rumped Swallow at Arlington. With my trolley a quarter-full I causally went to aisle 1 and deposited my trolley there and off I went.

I rushed to the dam wall and met Colin Holter who had kindly released the news nice and quickly, but annoyingly the bird had departed SE. This meant a long wait for me but at 1pm just as I was packing the scope up the Red-rumped Swallow appeared right in front of me, and over the next twenty minutes I enjoyed very good views.

I was now very cold and resorted to carrying on my food shop. Despite nearly being three hours later, my trolley was still in aisle 1, but warm fish cakes didn't take my fancy.

 horrid phone-scoped pic of the Red-rumped Swallow at Arlington. Leaving my memory card at home wasn't a bright idea.
my abandoned trolley still in situ on aisle 1.