Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Sunday, 9 April 2017

Splash Point 9/4/17

A very productive seawatch this morning in what felt like perfect conditions. A constant stream of birds up until late morning and by 11am the passage had eased significantly.

Totals 6am - 11am are as follows:

Brent Geese - 878
Common Scoter - 831
Sandwich Tern - 603
Arctic Skua - 12
Shelduck - 4
Whimbrel - 31
Gannet - 49
Little Gull - 80
Razorbill - 3
Commic Tern - 46 (most confidently identified as Common)
Mediterranean Gull - 30
Red-breasted Merganser - 2
Teal - 23
Velvet Scoter - 26
Auk sp. - 10
Red-throated Diver - 13
Great Skua - 1
Little Tern - 4
Shoveler - 5
Gadwall - 4
Tufted Duck - 15
Bar-tailed Godwit - 2
Wheatear - 1 in off

Harbour Porpoise - 1

 7 Little Gulls and 3 Common Terns passing Splash Point

Little Gulls moving past Splash Point