Helmet Vanga - Madagascar 2024

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Monday, 3 April 2017

Guyana Day 15 - 3/4/17

Karasabai to Manari Ranch
We headed back out into the valley for first light to search for the Parakeets, but we had no luck with these. We saw some nice species to compensate however, but as the morning warmed up I became lazy and decided to speak to Marissa and then listen to some music. The others thankfully hadn't seen anything and we gave up and headed back to our accommodation, with Marissa letting me drive a couple of miles which was fun. I went to overtake Ron but with having to go off road to do so I had to hang back.

We left the area and headed back to the main road where we tracked south towards Manari Ranch, our last area before flying back to Georgetown. The journey wasn't as long as I thought and we soon arrived at a very nice setting alongside a small river and very nice accommodation. We were left to do as we pleased for the afternoon. I again chilled out catching up on sleep, communications back home and going for a little swim in the river. A few fish were nibbling my feet but as no Anacondas were present I dived in. Afterwards I walked up the nearby runway for any night birds and peacefully watched the sun go down. Several Least Nighthawks were hawking around a couple of Eastern Meadowlarks were singing nearby.

Highlights for the day are:

Laughing Falcon
Brown-throated Parakeet
Great Horned Owl
Least Nighthawk
Eastern Long-tailed Hermit
Green Aracari
White-bellied Piculet
White-bellied Antbird
Boat-billed Flycatcher
Tropical Gnatcatcher
Hooded Tanager
Orange-backed Troupial

 Lineated Woodpecker
 Brown-crested Flycatcher

 Laughing Falcon
White-bellied Piculet - phone-scoped

 Manari Ranch
sunset at Manari Ranch